Rogue's Choice

Rogue's Choice

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Rogue's Choice 介绍

Rogue's Choice

You play a rogue in this choice-based text adventure set in a medieval fantasy world. With debts to pay to the underworld, you need to make a lot of coin fast! Perhaps worse, you're wanted by the King's men for desertion. Survival is your first priority, but can you thrive in the ruthless streets of Ring City? On top of this, can you discover the secret within the walls of the city... And beneath! Play the lovable scoundrel who just wants to enjoy his short time in this dimension!From Delight Games, the publisher of Zombie High, Wizard's Choice, and many other choice-based text adventures. Written by Sam Landstrom.Note that Rogue's Choice content is also available in the Delight Games Library; however, this version has more options for advancing in the story for free (e.g. you can get coins by watching videos). And of course it's a smaller download and has a simpler UI. :)*** Features *** - Zero learning curve. Read the story and make decisions. - Life, gold, favor, and morale are tracked.- Outcomes are determined by decisions you make. - Score and rank at the end.- Accessible to blind users.

来自应用汇: Rogue's Choice //

Rogue's Choice 版本更新

Minor bug fixes.

Rogue's Choice 类似游戏

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Rogue's Choice 信息







Delight Games

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  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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