Battery Charge Alarm

Battery Charge Alarm

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Battery Charge Alarm 介绍

Battery Charge Alarm

Don't worry about battery overcharge Now.Battery Charge Alarm will alert you when your battery charge fully.**Features**0) Plug and Play On/Off1) Shows Current Charging Level2) Set your choice Alarm at Particular charging level3) Shows Current Charging Mode (AC or USB or Wireless)4) Shows Warning message when reached to Set Alarm Level and Plays Alarm5) Battery Charge Percentage Color according to current charging Level6) Default Charging level for Alarm is 80%7) Set Volume for the Alarm Tone8) Dynamic battery level with proper colors and level in percentage9) SET YOUR CHOICE ALARM TONE10) Shows Battery Progress in Notification Bar11) Set BATTERY ALARM in vibrate and SILENT mode12) Auto launch On or Off.13) Battery low Notification On or Off14) Plugin sound15) Plug Out sound16) 3d Battery percentage text17) Set Speech LanguageThis Battery app Protect your Phone battery from being Overcharged.Battery alarm has the BEST USER FRIENDLY UI.It lets you to set alarm at particular charging level of Battery. It will display a warning message and will continuously play the Tone until you stop it or plug or unplug the charger or exit the app. It will show notification once charging done.App will come up automatically once set charging done.AdvantagesNo need to check your phone frequently when charing it. No need to worry about Overcharging. Battery Alarm will take care everythingImprove Battery Life.protect battery overcharging.set Battery Alarm at your choice battery Level.set Your choice Alarm Tone?Play Battery alarm in Vibrate or Silent modebattery percentage progress bar in Notification area.Battery Charging alarm is a very useful, small, sleek and elegant app that will help you follow the current battery percentage on your Android device, and even serve as a battery savmodeWith this app anywhere every time you will know if your battery is charged enough to play a game, a movie, or to browse the Internet.Whenever you will put your phone in charging BATTERY charging Alarm will play ALARM when battery will be charged fully or at your set battery level. It will also speak about battery percentage status. There is no app provide this feature.There is no other battery related app with such intuitive, clean, neat and beautiful interface as BatterychargingAlarm has. The UI of this is as simple as possible, but tremendously practical and easy to use and user friendly.We will work constantly to improve BatteryChargingAlarm app, adding in the very near future new features, like useful battery information, battery saver tips, new widgets, and boost battery life feature many more,This app will Save and improve BATTERY life.For any query , suggestions, and feedback kindly email us on NOTE : In case of any task killer app on your phone, It is highly advisable to keep this application in their white list or ignore list. Otherwise, Application may not work properly.

来自应用汇: Battery Charge Alarm //

Battery Charge Alarm 版本更新

Support for Android 8.0+.

New UI.

Performance Improvements.

Alarm ON/OFF in main screen.

Other minor bug fixes.

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