Full Charge Alarm

Full Charge Alarm

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Full Charge Alarm 介绍

Full Charge Alarm

This application give alert with high volume alarm when the battery is fully charged and You will never forget the phone on charger for a long period In today's busy schedule it is very hard to check the battery status again and again. This is an unique app which notifies the mobile phone user with he help of battery alarmThe Overcharging of battery can damage battery so it should be plugged out when it reaches 100%. So Full Charge Alarm will help you to keep your phone's Battery healthy.There is no need to turn on battery alarm. The Full Charge Alarm app is based on automation so it will do everything automatically and give battery alarm--------------------------NOTICE: If you use any task killer or Ram cleaner app, please add this app to ignore list or white list. Otherwise, battery alarm may not work properlyNOTICE FOR XIAOMI ,OPPO USERS: In the security settings given by Xiaomi & Oppo default, please include the app for auto start. In some phones you need to turn on auto start option in background run setting.---------------------------It is high efficient in terms of performance and battery usage and sound of battery alarm is specially designed which can be easily hear by user without irritationWhen you running on battery the app will be closed automatic so it will never consume battery.Battery alarm solve the problem of battery damageThis is an small try in favor of digital India mission of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to try to make people more smart to save energyThis application give following information about your battery*Battery alarm* Battery temperature* Battery health* Technology* Status charging or not charging* Notification bar option.

来自应用汇: Full Charge Alarm //www.stclairws.com/app/psquare.FullChargeAlarm?from=spi-desc

Full Charge Alarm 版本更新

*Language Support for Most Countries.

*UI Improved.

*Performance Improved.

*Bugs Fixed.

*100% Level Issue Resolved.

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