To-Do List Calendar Organizer

To-Do List Calendar Organizer

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To-Do List Calendar Organizer 介绍

To-Do List Calendar Organizer

Get done more in less time!
By concentrating only on those tasks that are in line with your goals.
EgoTimer is a feature-rich personal organizer that lets you become a more effective time manager!

- Powerful To-Do list that supports batch operations and several ways of prioritizing

- Fully scrollable calendar with daily, weekly and monthly view

- Step-By-Step Organizer that makes daily planning a simple routine

- Goals and subgoals that can be linked with tasks

- Repeating tasks and appointments

- Scheduling of tasks directly on the calendar

- Option to invite contacts for tasks

- Notes and Contacts can be added to tasks, appointments or goals

- Reminders for tasks and appointments

- Aids to track your life and find your goals

- Divide your tasks into subtasks

Advanced features (Plus Version Upgrade):

- Google Calendar Sync

- Google Tasks Sync

- Backup creation and restoration

- Widgets: 8 different sizes: To-Do list, Agenda, Weekly, Monthly

- Attach Photos and Audio to tasks, appointments, notes and goals

- Prioritize the To-Do list (Clean-Up)

- Search for Tasks, Appointments, Notes and Goals

- Suggestions for your goals to pursue

- Time your tasks with a To-Do list Timer

- Option to clear all tasks or appointments

- Populate the To-Do list with postponed tasks

- Conversion of Tasks, Goals, Notes and Appointments into each other

With egoTimer you can:

...orient yourself toward your goals

...prepare each day with care using a calendar and a to-do list

...balance your professional and your private life

...focus on the most important tasks

...never forget ideas or appointments

This is the light version of the goal planner. It initially contains all the features of the full version. To continue to use these features please buy the egoTimer Organizer Plus Upgrade!

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