Learn Khmer Alphabet

Learn Khmer Alphabet

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Learn Khmer Alphabet 介绍

Learn Khmer Alphabet

Learn Khmer Alphabet App is intended to help you learn the Khmer Alphabet quickly and easily using visual and Audio combined for quick learning and also Writing practice. Learn Khmer (Cambodian) Script, Consonants and Subscripts, Vowels and NumbersLearn how to read the consonants, what are their sounds, learn how to write them and practice writing them.Learn the Vowels of the Khmer language, with pronunciation sounds in both Series A and Series O and Independent Vowels, Read, Write and understand the numbering system in Khmer language and practice it until you feel secure. - New addition is the Quiz Mode for great practice.Use automatic mode for quicker, easier and funner study of the Khmer script and enjoy this amazing language !!!Features special for this app:1. All Consonants and their Subscripts, pronunciation and writing2. All Vowels with Series A and O and Independent Vowels and Numbers3. Automatic mode to assist you with the learning experience 4. Constant improvement and support5. Practice Writing the alphabet letters, vowels and numbers by yourself - which is great for remembering.6. Sub division of each tab (by class, length and etc).At every point in the application you can click the menu button and get help.

来自应用汇: Learn Khmer Alphabet //www.stclairws.com/app/com.yuly.learnkhmer?from=spi-desc

Learn Khmer Alphabet 版本更新

Addition of Voice Recognition, Practice Pronunciation framework (for supported devices to be released in next release) and minor Bug fixes and performance improvements

Record Voice Permmision might be requested by Google Voice Recognition and used only for that

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Yuly Pisinberg




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