Nanoleaf Smarter Series

Nanoleaf Smarter Series

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Nanoleaf Smarter Series 介绍

Nanoleaf Smarter Series

We believe in a future where all lighting is smarter by design, and is an integral part of a better lifestyle. Operating your smart lighting has never been easier—the Nanoleaf App features native support for Zigbee HA1.2 smart lights and the Nanoleaf Aurora. Perfect light is only a finger tap or an Alexa ask away (support for Amazon Alexa coming in late 2016). Download now and get this ultra-advanced light switch into your pocket or purse ASAP! You can use the Schedules feature of the app to automate your home’s lighting—turn the lights off at night, wake up to light in the morning, or remind yourself to exercise… just a few of the nearly limitless ways that smart lighting can support a better life.You can get going for free by downloading the app and pairing any compatible smart lighting product. Setup and operation is simple with any Nanoleaf Smarter Series product (including the Nanoleaf Aurora and Smart Ivy). Even though this app was designed to play nicely with all Zigbee smart lighting products, check your manufacturer’s documentation for compatibility—they might not have been designed to play as well with others, which could be a Huege disappointment for you =)Popular compatible Zigbee products:Philips Hue, GE Link, SmartThings, Belkin Wemo, Cree Connected

来自应用汇: Nanoleaf Smarter Series //

Nanoleaf Smarter Series 历史版本

  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.3.2
    大小: 45.86 M

    Added Auto-pairing! You can now pair your device with QR code or NFC tap without entering the pairing code.

    Fixed various connectivity issues.
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.3.2
    大小: 45.82 M

    Added Auto-pairing! You can now pair your device with QR code or NFC tap without entering the pairing code.

    Fixed various connectivity issues.
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.3.0
    大小: 43.49 M

    - Brightness sensor support for Canvas (requires firmware 1.2.0)

    - Added Interactive Scenes support to Schedule creation/edit, Remote configuration

    - Various bug and UI fixes
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.2.2
    大小: 43.43 M

    - Added links to product manuals in Explore tab

    - Various bug/crashes fixes and general improvements
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.2.0
    大小: 41.80 M

    - Added warning if orientation is missing

    - Added new play bar to Discover

    - Fixed crash when trying to unpair a Remote

    - Fixed issue with assigning same actions to different touch gestures

    - Fixed power supply warning when no additional supplies are required

    - Minor UI/UX changes for Nanoleaf Canvas

    - Minor bug and crash fixes
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.1.0
    大小: 41.85 M

    We have some exciting updates this week! We are introducing Interactive Motions for the Canvas. Check them out in Discover!

    Other things we've done:

    - Updated Scene Creator for Interactive Motions support, added in-line Motion descriptions

    - Added Canvas support content for pairing with Remote

    - Updated in-app Shop

    - Critical bug and crash fixes
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.0.3
    大小: 41.80 M

    - Fixed crash when deleting devices

    - Fixed Nanoleaf Cloud Sync not running when downloading scenes from Discover

    - Minor bug fix for colliding panels in Layout Assistant

    - Minor UI/UX changes for Nanoleaf Canvas
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.0.1
    大小: 41.73 M

    - Fixed bug where saved schedules were not being displayed

    - Fixed issue where some devices failed to pair

    - Fixed UI issues for some notched Android devices

    - Fixed Home Sync issue with Ivy bulbs

    - Added missing Motion Sensor card to Explore (if Motion Sensor is enabled)

    - Minor UI/UX changes
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 3.0.0
    大小: 44.05 M
    - Added support for the Nanoleaf Canvas
    - Added more detailed product onboarding and setup steps
    - Added a new “Explore” tab to help you learn more about our Products and App features
    - Added device warnings
    - Updated tutorials
    - Added Power Diagnostic tool for Canvas
    - Updated various UI elements throughout the App
  • Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    Nanoleaf Smarter Series
    版本: 2.5.5
    大小: 37.79 M
    - Crash and bug fixes and improvements for our lovely users

Nanoleaf Smarter Series 版本更新

Nanoleaf Cloud Sync has been updated to allow users to backup and restore their data automatically. Backup the state of your Nanoleaf devices and restore at any time after a hard reset. Visit the Device Settings and Cloud Sync pages for more information.

Other New Features for this release:

- Improved Cloud Sync to include automatic updates

- UI/UX improvements

- Enabled device restore for newer version Canvas and Light Panels

- General Stability improvements and bug fixes.

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