Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper

Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper

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Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper 介绍

Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper

Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper is an app that changes your phone background with gorgeous images of roses and beautiful analog clocks, that have parallax (3d) effects and magic touch (beautiful animations when you touch the screen). You can also add one of three original clocks to your home screen! Also pretty and colored roses will fall over your screen.

How do I enable it?

-First you can customize it before applying, adding clocks, animated elements and more!
- This is very easy. Run the app and just press the Apply button on the top right corner and on the next page click "Set Wallpaper". Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper has been activated.
- Or if the above doesn't work you can also try to do this: Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers -> Select Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper.

What can it do?
- You can change the color of the wallpaper by selecting one under " Select Background"
- You can add falling roses and change their size, number and speed.
- You can add a clock to your screen and customize it's style, position and size.
- It has 3D/4D (parallax) and magic touch effects.
- Fully optimized app to run on almost all android devices and to keep the image original.
- It's new and hd.
- Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper is suited for everyone and free to use.

After applying Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper your home page wallpaper will change with the desired background.

You can check our other fun apps and free live wallpapers:
1. Rose live wallpaper
2. Live wallpapers for girls
3. Spring Petals Live Wallpaper
4. Golden shine live wallpaper
5. Dragon Fire Live Wallpaper
6. Cute Fluffy Live Wallpaper
7. Real butterflies on screen
8. Ocean HD Live Wallpaper

And many others

来自应用汇: Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper //

Roses Analog Clock Wallpaper 版本更新

We found an annoying bug dancing around the wallpaper. We squashed it with our incredible designs!

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