Seated Poses for Beginners

Seated Poses for Beginners

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Seated Poses for Beginners 介绍

Seated Poses for Beginners

This is a plugin of 'Daily Yoga (All-in-One)'.

*** This app does not open on its own. ***
Please first install the main app 'Daily Yoga (All-in-One)' from Google Play before using this plugin:

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Here comes the very amusing yoga session - Seated Poses for Beginners!

20 selected yoga asanas will make the best company on your way to judge the fundamental skills of torso bending, twisting, balancing and invertion.

Many occupational diseases result from the abnormal curving of the spine, causing harmful effects on the healthy growth of your vertebrae. When we are standing or seated, we usually suffer pressure on lumbar vertebra, back pains and poor blood circulation due to the inaccurate postures we adopt.

To cultivate a good posture is the first thing we learn to guard against these diseases. Besides, this session helps promote digestion and enhance metabolism. To totally refresh through loosening up muscles and enhancing joint flexibility shall be the extra surprise. You are more likely to handle problems and difficulties.

All poses in this session are very simple variation of the standard yoga postures, suitable for every one to go along without level limitation.

Let's enjoy the way to be a happy yogi.

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