Yoga for Slim Legs

Yoga for Slim Legs

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Yoga for Slim Legs 介绍

Yoga for Slim Legs

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Yoga provides abundant postures specifically targeting your entire legs. Somehow before we get it started, a full understanding of what causes fat thighs and calves is quite needed for troubleshooting.
Being sedentary stores a lot of fat in our thighs and makes swollen calves through poor blood circulation. Even when we stand or walk, we pay less attention to our unbalanced posture and this is the main reason to flabby legs and length discrepancy. To most women, loosing hip and thigh fat might be the hardest thing as their reproductive hormone also affects the result.
The remarkable features of how this session helps in sliming your legs are listed as:
- A full set of flow yoga sequence designed for quick leg toning results;
- Dynamic yoga postures employed to provide more aerobic and strength training;
- Every part of your legs, i.e. quadriceps and hamstrings, inner and outer thighs, calves and hip, will be covered in this session;
- Very effective in burning fat of your thighs, curing lymphedema of your calves and strengthening the leg muscles;
- Fit for Yogis of all levels.

来自应用汇: Yoga for Slim Legs //

Yoga for Slim Legs 版本更新

- 一套精心设计的流瑜伽串联,提供显著瘦腿效果;
- 体式动静相宜,有氧瘦身和力量训练两两结合;
- 有效锻炼双腿的每一个部分,包括股四头肌和腿后肌群,大腿内外侧,小腿和臀部;
- 有效燃烧大腿脂肪,祛除小腿水肿,塑造腿型;
- 课程难度较小,适宜所有级别的瑜伽练习者。

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